I love toys that make my kids use their imagination. Ones that get them to create their own source of fun. Ones that don’t use batteries that will die just when your child is having a melt down and wanting to play with said toy. And I especially love toys that don’t make odd sounds in the middle of the night from the toy chest. So I obviously love The Cheekeyes animals set.

These toys are simple, clean, artistic wooden toys. We received the Forest Animal 5 piece set and a set of trees to try out. Right away my son, who is almost 4, and my daughter who is just 14 months, grabbed a hold of them and started to play. My son, Cameron, started making the sounds for the animals and my daughter soon followed suite. We had a wild zoo in our living room, it was quite funny!
Cheekeyes come in a number of assortments including Dinosaurs, Africa animals, Arctic animals, Farm animals and scenery items to go with them, such as trees, volcanoes, fences for the farm, one even has a park entrance so your keiki can really create a zoo!
These toys are all soft edged, light weight, hand-made of beautiful natural wood with just the edges and faces painted. They not only are fun for my kids but Cheekeyes look cool and chic sitting on their shelf in their room when not in use! Love that!
The Cheekeyes can be bought at Oompa Toys.
Sarah lives in Hawaii with her husband and two children. When not busy with her blog, Ohana Mama, Sarah loves splashing in the warm island waters and building sand castles with her keiki kids.